The book of Ecclesiastes records thoughts of King Solomon at the end of his long reign and long life. It is a reflection of all he has learned and is quite the contrast of how he started his reign in his thinking and in the “conclusion of the matter.” If you have not read it, I highly recommend you do. There is quite a bit of wisdom found in his words. One of his ongoing phrases is “there is nothing new under the sun.” This is quite true. Human nature does not seem to change. The same sins that plagued of old are still plaguing societies today.
There is only one cure for all of these sinful thoughts or habits or natures that can be destructive in so many ways. We have to focus on something greater than ourselves. Our society of plenty has taught us in a carnal sense that we can have all we desire. This is what leads to envy, jealousy, strife and in some cases murder. It is what dulls our minds and makes us contentious and greedy. Not very nice traits to have. If you find yourself rumenating on some of these thoughts, surrender to Christ. Cast those arguments aside and choose to love God more. Be courageous in your independence from your own self ambitions. We are all subject to it because as Solomon wrote all those centures ago, there truly is nothing new under the sun.