There Will Always be Change

As a retired History teacher, quotes always come to me. There was a great Indian chief of the 1800’s who once said, “One thing is for certain, there will always be change.” I think all of us are in agreement with that. Some of those changes come abruptly and those are the tough ones to accept. We mostly prefer the slow ones that gently evolve. One example of an abrupt change is a medical diagnosis. One cancer diagnosis or another disease will altar ones life completely. I should know.

At this point we have to track on the new normal. New normals are not fun. They can be somewhat complicated and quite emotional along the journey. I find myself at this stage in my life dealing with arthritis and aches and pains. I always thought those were reserved for old people! One thing that remains consistant though through it all is God. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. That consistency is reassuring. It gives me the energy to get out of the bed each morning and face a new day. If you don’t have personal relationship with Christ, I beg you to make a change. Read His word. Get to know Him, not the being you want Him to be but who He truly is. It will be a life changing decision.

A Time Such As This

So often these days we hear the sights and sounds of fear. The world seems to be in turmoi with war talk all around the globe. Nations have governments that are unstable. This is much unhappiness with the current administration of this government and fear of what is to come next on both sides. We learn more of friends being diagnosed with cancer and some claim there are strange ailments being diagnosed all around.

God’s Word tells us not to fear. There is nothing happening currently in the world or in ones individual life that our God does not know about or did not know would occur. Indeed everything is going according to His will. We are a wicked people. We bibilically deserve all that is happening. Many in our culture have rejected God and cast Him from their lives. Then they are perplexed as to why things are the way they are. For the believer hold on. You were not born accidentally during this time but are here for a reason. Be a beacon of light and hope to those with no hope. You were born for such a time as this.

The Blessings of a Mom

My mother and I celebrated her birthday yesterday. Her actual birthday is Sunday but our plans were made for yesterday. In reflection I thought about all the times she stood by me from the trips she made with me to enroll in college because I didn’t want to go by myself to the times she picked up the phone in the middle of the night when I called due to strong feelings of depression. She was there for me. She did not judge me in those times. She only supported me because she knew that is what I needed most.

Today a friend we have known a long time will be holding a service in memory of his mother. Her death was not unexpected. She had health issues for many years and was a person who deeply trusted in the eternal salvation of Christ. In fact she was quite ready to go to meet Him. Still a deep sadness for the family in her leaving this world. God has created a wonderful system of a mother and dad to nourish us and teach us His laws. Our sin has corrupted it completely. However if we hold unto that original institution, we find blessings beyond measure. To God is the glory for this treasure, a small part of so much more.