Especially During the Hard Times

Our lesson this past Sunday in bible study was appropriately on gratefulness. Most of us understand the concept. Intuitively we know that we should be grateful for all that we have. Even those of a secular mind have been raised to be grateful for the food on your plate. How many of us were told of the starving children in Africa? It is hard sometimes to express gratitude in the middle of our pain.

Recently we were told of a middle aged woman diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. As we visited with her husband, we could see the struggle in him to express gratitude because of the pain. I recently wrote of passing out and cracking a rib. Yesterday I managed to re injure it and I feel like I am back to square one on recovery. These are examples of actual mental and physical pain that can impede our natural inclination to be grateful. However scripture tells us to be grateful in all circumstances. We are also warned that there will be pain in this world. That relief does not come until our time here is done and only if we trust Jesus is who He says He is and humbly submit ourselves to His authority. The greatest point of thankfulness is the knowledge and saving grace of Christ. It is a common cliche but it is also a very true statement. If you don’t know Christ, get to know Him. Read His word. He’s speaking to you through it. Read. Grow. Trust. Always be grateful for all He has done that we may spend eternity with Him.

Something to Celebrate

Ten years ago around this time of the year, I was told that I had received a miracle. I was no longer a metastatic cancer. That is still amazing words to me. In June of 2015 I was diagnosed with stage IV LMS. LMS is a soft tissue sarcoma that does not respond well to chemotherapy. Yet in my situation it was as if the Lord took His hand and glided it over my lungs and the metastatic cancer began to dissolve and die.

Today is my 62nd birthday. I remember Christmas of 2015. Even after receiving the news that the cancer was gone, I had my doubts. I knew how cancer often operates and LMS is especially known for returning. I wondered even then if I would see another Christmas. God has allowed me these additional years. God has allowed me to see the eartly age of 62. God has allowed me to see 6 additional grandchildren to the only one I knew at the time of my diagnosis. God has allowed me to have 38 years with my husband verses 28. He is the center of my joy and strength. I cannot praise His name enough. Even if you are not facing life alternating circumstances, at some point this life will end. Place your trust in Christ. Choose obedience to God. Give Him the glory. It is the only true life alternating decision that will bring you real peace.

Have you ever?

tried not to overdo it? Each day I have goals set for myself. I try to walk a certain number of steps. I try to stay active by completing certain chores in the house. I also try to take care of errands and tend to details that are never quite enjoyable but must be done.

Wednesday night into Thursday morning I stayed up most of the night due to sickness. I could not tell what was happening but at one point I hyperventilated and passed out. I ended up damaging my ribs on the right side as well as scraping my right arm. It is no fun to have such experiences. My sister gave me strict orders to rest yesterday and I will confess it was one of the hardest things for me. Scripture tells us to rest in Jesus. We need rest. It is important for our physical being as well as mental. It is my prayer that you will be wiser than I and take time to rest.

Blessings and Honor

As I consider all the uncertainty happening in the world around us this morning, all I can meditate on is the comfort and presence of the Holy Spirit. Blessings and honor and glory and power are God’s forever and ever. Holy is His name.

We do live in a world of uncertainty. Our federal government seems in disarray making decisions on the world stage that are alarming. Many worry incessantly of what will come. May I offer this. Jesus tells us not to worry. We should be aware. We should make prudent decisions being aware but we need to avoid excessive worry. That can have a traumatic effect on our physical as well as mental health. Cling to Jesus. If you don’t know Him, get to know Him. Read His words printed in your nearest bible. Trust what He says. If you haven’t, I encourage you to do that today. Time is getting short for all of us whether it is due to outside forces we cannot control or the simple aging process. Trust Jesus. Give your worries to Him.

The Holidays

The holidays are almost upon us! Though they are a celebration of family, friends, life in general and mostly should be about glorifying God, they also cause great stress. Usually the job of preparing and planning falls on us ladies. We should not be bitter about it. It’s almost like we were made for these kinds of things. Perfection unfortunately is often the culprit that leads to stress.

The hardest lesson I had to learn while being a student at Texas A&M was that perfection does not lead to happiness. It’s consequences can be devastating for ones mental health. The only perfect human being that ever lived was of course Jesus. He truly is the role model for handling stress. If the holidays already feel stressful to you, take a step back. Consider all that Christ did for you and me and all of mankind when he willingly gave His life for each of us. Trust in that. Reflect on that. That truly allows each of us to prioritize and be grateful. Gratitude is the greatest weapon against stress.

Much Hope Much Fear

In America today it seems that both sides of the political spectrum are driven by the emotions of great hope for change and a restoration of the Bill of Rights and great fear by the other side of changes to come. It is difficult to know which side is more correct. Often the truth is somewhere in the middle of opposing sides. None are perfect in this life. That is why we need Jesus.

It is often used as a cliche, the concept of needing Jesus. However in reality it is true. Jesus is real. What He did for each of us is real. It is up to each one of us if we accept or reject that gift. The consequences are eternal. That is not something to play with. It also gives us hope that we know we are not going through things alone and that there is always the optimism that something so much better is still to come.


When I was a young girl, I remember my paternal grandparents commenting that if they had to they would raise us. I was struck by the words “had to.” I could not understand why it was had to? Why wouldn’t you want to? We loved these grandparents deeply as they were very giving to us emotionally and in other ways. Now that I have had grandchildren 6 days in a row, I completely understand.

Life can certainly be challenging for us as we age. Our physical stamina has waned from years past. The one thing that has improved, at least for me, is tolerance. I am much better with accidents with my grandchildren then I ever was with my own children. As much as I love my children and grandchildren, I often reflect on how much more our Father loves each of us. He loved us enough to send His son to die for each us. At the same time, should we choose to reject that sacrifice, He will not overlook our injustice and we will find our souls in a place it does not want to go. Unlike each of us God is faithful and He is just. Choose wisely. Consider what scripture teaches to be true.

Blessings of Grandchildren

Anyone my age will tell you that it is tough sometimes taking care of young grandchildren. Never question our love for them. That goes without writing. Often the mind is willing but the body wants to play out. The past couple of days I had three of my grandkids, the youngest being 16 months and the oldest 6. Today through Wednesday before and after school and overnight I have four grandkids. The second set will be easier as they are in school during the day but I must focus on past years of a routine of getting them up and ready for school and then pick up.

The Bible speaks of what a blessing it is to have grandchildren. The more generations a person is able to see the greater the blessing. It is sad to read of so many young people opting not to have children. Some of those reasons I can understand though my heart says that every child is worth every sacrifice. If you have children, love on them. If you have grandchildren, loving them is much easier – probably because they go home at the end of the day:) We are all so blessed to live in this country. Let each of us be grateful and thankful for each joy each day brings, especially through the eyes of young grandkids.

Time to Pray

Praise God that this election is behind us! What a blessing!! Regardless of which side you stood for, it is very important to continue to pray for this upcoming government. All of us have seen victories or what we perceived to be victories in the election outcome and all of us have seen disappointments.

What is important is to remember that God is above all. Whatever government we have in place, He is the one who placed them there. Sometimes it is a blessing and sometimes it is judgment. Hold on to Him. Cling to Him. Trust in Him. Walk with Him. Keep going. Always be courageous

Preelection Jitters

There is a great fear that sweeps the nation as a national election is about to be underway. No one can acturately predict with any certainity what the outcome will be. We often have hopes of the side we desire to win. We are a very polarized nation. We see it in the news, hear it on the streets and some experience it in their own families.

What I would beseech you with this morning is to trust in God. The outcome may not be what you desire it to be. We have all experienced those elections. What we can trust is that it is the outcome our Father desires. We may not understand it. That is okay. There has been much in the life that I have not understood and I would bet neither have you. What is important is to keep in mind that “God works all things together for those who love Him.” He has a plan. He hasn’t forgotten you. Trust Him. Be courageous