It’s Friday and I often like to reflect on the many and I do mean many blessings that God has bestowed on me and it is always my hope that you will do the same. I couldn’t help but think about the number of times I complain about various things from the achiness in my bones upon rising to too little sleep I received the night before. It seems like in our human nature we are all prone to complaining about something. In fact we do it so much that we don’t think anything about it. When you read the Old Testament, a clear picture arises that this may not be the best habit we have normalized. Complaining got the children of Israel in a whole lot of trouble. It also appears contradictory to praise God in one breath while in another complaining about something.
How about you and I making a decision that we will consciously praise God this day and stop the habit of allowing complaining words come from our mouths. Our spouses would probably appreciate that if no one else:) In reality the many good things for most of us living in the United States is far better than what can be found in many parts of the world. We all have so much to be grateful for. Keep trusting. Keep believing.