If any of you are as old as I am, you may be familiar with a christian artist by the name of Carmen. Many years ago, Carmen wrote a song entitled “Sundays On The Way.” In the chorus of the song, the lyrics go as follows: “if troubles try to conquer you and make it hard to pray, it may seem like Friday night but Sundays on the way.” The song was a clear reference to the crucifixion of Christ on Friday and His resurrection on Sunday. When my son Zach was diagnosed with stage 4 Ewings’ sarcoma in 2011, it was a very rough beginnng. He began to shut down before treatment could even begin. He was placed in a medically induced coma and had to be moved from MD Anderson in the medical center to Hermann Hospital because Hermann was the experts on what was happening with his lungs. During that time I started a Caring Bridge account so family and friends could know what was going on and how to pray. The lyrics to the above song kept going through my mind. Have you ever done that? It was comforting to me because that was one of the hardest and most challenging periods of my life which reflected the sadness of what Jesus did on Good Friday. Hope however flourished on Sunday as Jesus had overcome death. I was looking for that “Sunday” moment in regards to my son.
Please know that I plan to update this blog daily Monday through Friday except on holidays and when my husband and I travel. My purpose in writing this is to encourage each of you in Christ as viewed from the perspective of one who has been on both sides of the cancer experience. It is my prayer that you will become stronger in your trust in Christ regardless of what you have faced and are currently going through. In my opinion our true strength is in God alone. Lord please make each of us courageous to face what we must face and do what we must do.