The contrast of it all. Over the last 8 days, I have been stunned by the number of deaths in my community of women that I knew who are not what I consider to be elderly. There have been four deaths, one was from dementia and two from cancer and the fourth I do not know the cause. The fourth was the youngest of these women, 10 years younger than I am. This Saturday I will be attending a baby shower for a first time mother. A week from Saturday I will be attending a second baby shower also for a first time mother. The contrast really struck me this morning. For four, their journey on this earth ended. Where their souls departed to, I do not know. That is the saddest and most frightening statement I am writing this morning. In the same time frame, a celebration of new life and so the cycle continues.
The most important decision we can make on this side of eternity is the one to trust and follow Christ. The greatest testimony that can be given at our funeral is the one that states this is a person who loved God and trusted Christ more than this world and all it had to offer. The greatest compassion ever shown was by our heavenly Father who gave His only son to take our sins on Himself at the cross. Such compassion. Such mercy. Don’t let that gift evade you because you choose this world. There is another world coming. Choose wisely.