The last few days I have found myself watching videos of people with advanced cancer diagnosis. I suppose I am drawn to this for multiple reasons. I am especially interested in watching testimonies of those with the same type of cancer I was diagnosed with and also the type my son Zach died from. As I watched the ones of the type I had, I am amazed at how gracious the Lord was to me. Some of them detail recurrences happening often and all the different types of treatment options they went through. This really showed me just how blessed I was.
The toughest to watch were the children diagnosed with Ewings, the type of cancer Zach had. There was one case where the individual was still alive 5 years later. That was so sweet and very encouraging that the medical community is making tremendous headway. There was another of a young child who did not. None of us are guaranteed a long life in this world. None of us are promised that we will never face adversity or experience pain. Through Christ we are promised that we will not be going through it alone. I personally could not have walked any of my experiences without Christ. He has been and will always be my rock, my fortress, and the only source of strength that powers me from day to day. What about you?