I will not lie. The hardest thing I ever endured was the death of my son. I have tried to be honest about that from the very beginning. It really shook the foundation of my faith. The day that Zach left this world, I had a conversation with my son Michael. I asked him if he thought God was real. We had prayed. Zach had trusted and prayed and yet Zach left this world at the age of 17. Michael thought for a minute. That is what of his great characteristics. He is a thinker. He does not speak impulsively like his mother. He said to me – “mom that is your head talking. You need to listen to your heart because your heart knows the truth.” In an instant I knew he was right and I also knew I was right. God did exist. He does love me. He does love Zach and He is still on the throne. This world is covered in sin and bad things do happen. This is not our home.
Fastforward to now. Tomorrow one of my grandsons will celebrate his 5th birthday. It will be a joyous occassion for my family celebrate. The Lord has blessed me with 3 grandsons and 4 granddaughters. They cannot take the place of Zach but they are most definitely a blessing in my life and I am most grateful for each of them. Leo is the name of my little grandson celebrating his birthday tomorrow. He was named after his grandpa. So sweet of my son and my daughter in law to honor my husband. There is much to celebrate in this life but there is something still greater to come. Being in God’s presence will be nothing like the joy here. It will surpass it in magnitudes that I could never fully write. If you are facing difficulty, keep going. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and keep going.