Often when I am up early in the morning, I listen to familiar sounds from my childhood. I hear crickets and if I open the back door, I can also hear birds already in flight. As the day wears on, I hear the familiar sound of locusts. I had happy childhood memories. Many of those years were spent at my paternal grandparents home. Is there any place as happy as that of doting grandparents?
Years go by and our lives change drastically from not having a care in the world to feeling like we are carrying all the burdens of the world. What happens to us? I was reading in the book of Daniel this morning where the King makes note that in his distress, he asked a question of Daniel who never seems worried. Daniel had a lot to worry about if he was only living in the flesh. Afterall he was living in captivity. However the king notes that he does not worry. Why? Because he lived in complete trust in God’s will. That is what it looks like. I wish I could write this morning that I have the same trust. I’m afraid I still operate under fleshly concerns. How about you? Scripture makes it clear that true peace lies in the knowledge of God and trusting in all of His ways with all that we have.