This morning I was in the book of Daniel chapter 12 where Daniel speaks of wisdom. Those who recognize the evil in this world look for the return of our savior. They are wise. Those who refuse are foolish. This is somewhat of a theme in scripture. The fool says in his own heart there is no God. That I believe is from the book of Proverbs. How true is it.
We are reminded to look up for our redemption draweth near. Those words should not frighten us but comfort us. The only ones who should be frightened are those who have rejected Christ and because they do not recognize the existence of God, they do not walk in fear of Him. They walk in fear of climate change or the injustices of this world as they perceive it or fearful of all things man that leads to death. For those who trust Christ, death has lost its sting. There is something so much better that lies beyond this world. Trust in the truth of scripture. Meditate on it. Memorize it for when fleshly fear arises and strengthen yourselves for the battle that lies ahead.