Yesterday my husband and I went for two visitations at our local funeral home. Blessedly both took place at the same time and at the same location in two different rooms. One individual lived to 106 in relatively good health and his mind functioning pretty well and the other lived to 88 1/2. Neither visitation was sad. The family of the 106 year old seemed to recognize the blessing of living that long. There was much laughter. The visitation of the 88 year old was also filled with laughter. This family is made up of members who trust Christ with their eternity and trust that their mother/grandmother/great grandmother did the same. The laughter around her would have pleased her tremendously. Her son said her death was not sad nor bad. She had struggled with poor health for the last 5 years of her life though she did not complain about it.
That phrase that he used really struck a cord within me. It is the attitude that we should feel if we believe the Bible to be true and we worship God and trust that Christ is who He said He is. Under those circumstances it truly is not sad nor bad when we depart from this side of eternity. As we enter into this Labor Day weekend, if you have not trusted Christ read His Word. God’s Word truly tells you who He is. I pray that you will look at it, study it and truly seek. If you trust Christ, your visitation can truly be a celebration of life, both this side and the one just starting on the other side.