This morning I read one of the parables that Jesus told regarding the unjust judge. He had no fear of God nor respect for man but decided to exact revenge on behalf of a widow so she wouldn’t keep pestering him. That is me paraphrasing scripture. Jesus’ point was how much more our Father in heaven will do for us because He is just.
Often I think in our society we will believe God exist if He does our bidding. We believe we know what is best for ourselves such as that one person we have been eyeing for quite some time or that job we feel we deserve much less new clothing, car, house, cruise etc. When we don’t get one of these possessions, we moan in our spirit and decide that God cannot be real. Real faith is trusting that God is real and wants the very best for us when we do not get what we desire. Real faith sees us through cancer diagnosis, other health issues, the death of a child or the death of someone else we have loved deeply. Do not let your faith be shallow. Grow in it. Learn who God is through His word. Be courageous.