Back in the 1970’s there was a brother/sister duo called The Carpenters. They were very popular then and especially to this gal when she was a young girl. I use to dream of being able to sing like Karen Carpenter. Alas it was only a dream. Rainy Days and Mondays was one of their hits. One of the lines in the chorus read “Hanging around, nothing to do but frown. Rainy days and Mondays always gets me down.” Does this chorus describe what you are feeling right now? In Columbus, Texas this morning it almost does. It is Monday and it is definitely raining outside. A double whammy – Monday and rain.
For a lot of people at different stages in their lives, it does feel like the world is caving in. For some it is the struggle of relationships whether lost through death or a strain of not speaking. Some people obsess over politics and the fear that the world is about to end. They do not trust in God or His timing for the world to end, only in what they read in the news.
I have been there. I have felt the world collapsing both with the year we fought cancer along side our son Zach and from the point that my own cancer diagnosis was given in 2015 without much hope. I understand and anyone reading this blog understands as well. All people if they live long enough face a certain amount of pain and challenges. Praise God that our hope is ultimately in Him. He holds our future in His hands. He knows every hair on our heads. If we choose to submit to His authority and trust in who He says He is, He will strengthen us to finish the race and endure what we must face. I know. I’ve been there. Do not put your trust in the things of this world. Focus on God. Read His promises. Memorize them. He is the true source of courage. Remember that this is not our home. There is something so much better still to come.