Grief is very painful. It can devastate us and rob us of so much joy. My pastor told me once the greater the love, the deeper the sorrow. I believe that to be true. The last evening of Zach’s life in this world was spent at MD Anderson. His oxygen need was so great that he had two oxygen masks on trying to be comfortable. Rachel came to see him that last time. As she began speaking to my husband and myself, Zach heard her and recognized her voice. He took both masks off to say her name. He always called her Ms Thomas. She spoke to him in a comforting tone and left abruptly. She told me later she went to her car and sat there and just cried. As a doctor, she knew his time was close. Afterwards in a conversation with her, I poured out my sorrow through questions. Why didn’t God heal Zach? We had so much faith. We claimed God’s promises and His Word. Isn’t this what all the word of faith teachers tell us?? Why wasn’t Zach healed on this side? Rachel in her normal calm manner replied “Sheri, think again about what you’re saying. If we could control God with our own desires and whims, He would not be a God worth serving.” How true is this statement!
God is God because He is holy. He is the One true God. He created everything. He is perfect. We cannot measure His holiness because we can’t even understand it. One day for those of us who choose to submit and trust, we will.
I often smile when I think about and envision Zach hanging out with Rachel. He admired her so. That gives me so much joy and that is where my true healing comes from. First we must believe God is real and Jesus died for us. Then we need to choose to submit to His authority and desire to please Him above all else. When we feel that our family members or friends have done the same and their time on this earth ends, there is much joy in knowing that a glorious reunion is still to come. In the meantime, keep trusting and walk courageously with God.