Such a beautiful classic hymn. How many of you know the story behind that hymn? The author wrote the words while traveling on a ship from the US to Europe to join his wife. She had traveled previously with their four daughters. There was a tragic shipwreck and all four of their daughters perished with one being dragged from her mother’s hands as they went into the sea. In all of my pain and grief over letting go of Zach, I could not imagine what these two parents experienced with one horrific event. Later they would go on to have three more children, one son and two daughters. Their son would die as a toddler and the two remaining daughters would live to adulthood.
Many of us would question where was God during all that happened in their lives. I would argue He was right there. From that tragedy came this beautiful hymn that was written on the deck of a ship at the approximate place where the previous event took place. If you are not familiar with this hymn, look it up on YouTube and listen to it or google the words and think of the history behind those words. What a beautiful testimony of what our lives should be. We are to be reminded always of the life that is still to come where there is no death or sorrow. Every tear will be wiped away. Remember those are God’s promises not man and remember that unlike all of us, God is not capable of lying.
This real life experience is also an example of how we are to be courageous. Nothing is guaranteed except that our Lord is with us to strengthen us and restore our joy. Be courageous today.