A New Birth

I feel like I have been around cattle my whole life. This is Texas. My parents raised cattle in retirement years and my younger brother continues to and he lives next to me. Yesterday as I was walking towards the back pasture, I got to witness the conclusion of one of the younger cows giving birth to her first calf. Cattle people know that sometimes this miracle can go wrong and I have witnessed that. However yesterday on a beautiful sunny day there were no problems. It is truly a miracle that God created and it always causes joy in my heart when I watch a young newborn calf attempt to stand for the first time and the love that its mother shows in encouraging him and protecting him.

All of us have experienced times of sorrows in our lives. I have written about mine. Letting go of Zach from this world was the hardest thing Leonard and I ever walked. My own cancer diagnosis that was so grim in the beginning was also difficult and trying and I will write more on these experiences as I keep this blog. However, there is still so much joy in this life. It is amazing to me how each of us can rebound and find so much purpose to keep going. Joy is restored and hope continues. The only source for any of this is God and God alone. I feel His comfort and His strength and it gives me sustenance I need to endure.

Despite what you are facing or going through know that there is hope in Christ and your ultimate strength lies in the knowledge that God is who He said He is, that He did what He said He did and He is going to do what He said He is going to do.

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