In many ways I feel like I have traveled this road before. The road of fear. The road of uncertainty. The road of imagining catastrophe. This week I learned that I have very advanced osteoporosis. In a lot of ways it is frightening because bones are fragile and brittle and can break easier. Last November I fractured a rib just pulling a mattress under a bed. This November I passed out and fractured another rib. I finally decided to do a Dexa Scan and the results showed the disease much more advanced than I ever imagined.
Ten years ago I faced the same kind of fear, uncertainity and did the entire catastrophizing. That time it revolved around a stage IV cancer diagnosis. God in His mercy delivered me from that and extended my days. He blessed me beyond measure. Now with my bones. One thing is for sure. We will not experience true rest until we are in His presence praising and gloryifying Him. In the meantime, we do both of the above here and battle the flesh in trusting God.