Answered Prayer

In grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. That is what goes through my mind this Wednesday morning. God’s grace is amazing and infinite. Yesterday I asked all of you to pray for the sister of a friend of mine who is facing a major battle with stage 4 cancer that now involves her brain. The tumor was removed and all went well. I also asked you to pray for my sister in law due to a staph infection in her knee that occurred with a knee replacement two years ago. That also went well. These are major health issues and in this rollercoaster of life, both finished on a high point. I would also point out that because we know God is in control of all situations, even if one or both had hit a low point God was still in control. There is a plan that He has. Again all brings us back to the main thesis and that is that this is not our home. None of us will live for immortality. If we truly believe that God is real and His kingdom is so much better then what this world has to offer, why would we hesitate not to join Him?

This is my final post for this week. I leave today to join my husband for an adventure. Keep reading your bibles. If you don’t, please start. No one speaks better for Himself then our Lord does. Blessings to you for the rest of the week and weekend!!

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