Ten years ago around this time of the year, I was told that I had received a miracle. I was no longer a metastatic cancer. That is still amazing words to me. In June of 2015 I was diagnosed with stage IV LMS. LMS is a soft tissue sarcoma that does not respond well to chemotherapy. Yet in my situation it was as if the Lord took His hand and glided it over my lungs and the metastatic cancer began to dissolve and die.
Today is my 62nd birthday. I remember Christmas of 2015. Even after receiving the news that the cancer was gone, I had my doubts. I knew how cancer often operates and LMS is especially known for returning. I wondered even then if I would see another Christmas. God has allowed me these additional years. God has allowed me to see the eartly age of 62. God has allowed me to see 6 additional grandchildren to the only one I knew at the time of my diagnosis. God has allowed me to have 38 years with my husband verses 28. He is the center of my joy and strength. I cannot praise His name enough. Even if you are not facing life alternating circumstances, at some point this life will end. Place your trust in Christ. Choose obedience to God. Give Him the glory. It is the only true life alternating decision that will bring you real peace.