Automated systems

This morning I attempted to refill a presciption using the automated system since the pharmacy is currently closed. There was a time that that was much simplier, one just typed in the correct numbers. No longer is that application available. Now it is an automated voice that has a hearing problem. If you think I’m being overdramatic, I’m not. The automated voice even told me it was having a difficult time hearing me this morning. What will come from AI next?

Blessedly when we are in a relationship with God, if we approach with a repentant heart and are earnestly seeking His guidance, He does hear us. Sometimes I think a lot of people do not understand fully who God is or how holy He is. I fell into that category and may slip back into it if I am not mindful of my thoughts and words. God is holy. He is gracious. He is real. He is on the throne. All facts for you to wrap your mind around. If you are battling something major like cancer as I have, approach His throne. Ask Him for mercy. Ask Him to restore you to what you were before the cancer. Bring all your cares to Him as scripture records because He cares for you.

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