Currently I am in the book of Proverbs for my daily Bible readings. There is so much wisdom and practical teaching held within those words especially the three verses that deal with a nagging wife. One reference states that a nagging wife is like “drip drip drip” from a leaky faucet. I paraphrased that just a tad but you get the idea. So much speaks to our lives and our character that we really don’t pay any attention to unless it is pointed out to us.
That is like daily life. So much we often don’t pay any attention to until some event grabs our attention. For me reality set in with Zach’s diagnosis. Then came his earthly death at the age of 17. Then came my own diagnosis. It’s kind of sad to me that it takes something traumatic in our lives to get our attention and remind us of what is truly important. There are so many things out of our control but maintaining a relationship with Christ and trust Him in all things is a great place to exercise control. I will be doing just that on Monday. I have my quarterly scan. For those of us with a cancer past, these scans are very important. Depending on what is found they have the potential to majorly change our schedule. Another lesson. Another reminder of what is truly important in this life.