The Blessings of Boredom

Are you one of those people who thinks that life is so boring? Why can’t there be change? We often think, “I do the same thing day after day. Sigh.”

It’s interesting how all of us at one poing or another have fallen into the above trap. At the time we really do think this way, especially in August when temperatures stay pretty consistant. The amount of rainfall or lack thereof also remains pretty consistant. However often when change comes, it is not a pleasant change. August in Texas can mean a hurricane. Yes we need the rain but the tornadoes and too much rain at one time can be a curse. Then we begin to wish boredom would come back. We desire to go back to the old normal. We are a fickle people. Blessedly, God is consistant. He never changes. The adage is He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. There is peace in that. We may change, but He will not. Trust in the One who does not change. That is the only way to find true peace despite any circumstances we find ourselves in.

Blessed is He Who Comes

All around we see our society shattering before our eyes. Men acting exactly as the Bible said they would when written more than 2000 years ago. Some things never change other than the sensation that things are getting far worse. Our type of government was built on the principle of working for a righteous and just people. That probably explains why we see so much corruption in it today.

There is hope for all of us. That hope is in the form of our savior. One who gave His life for us. One who holds the power of life for us after this life has passed. Whatever we are facing or going through, we can trust in our savior to sustain us. When this life ends, there is the eternal joy of that life. Something for each of us to rejoice over and greatly look forward. Meditate on it. Turn from negative news 24/7. This is something I try to remind myself of daily. Trust in the words written so many centuries ago. Truths that still hold true to this day.

There Will Always be Change

As a retired History teacher, quotes always come to me. There was a great Indian chief of the 1800’s who once said, “One thing is for certain, there will always be change.” I think all of us are in agreement with that. Some of those changes come abruptly and those are the tough ones to accept. We mostly prefer the slow ones that gently evolve. One example of an abrupt change is a medical diagnosis. One cancer diagnosis or another disease will altar ones life completely. I should know.

At this point we have to track on the new normal. New normals are not fun. They can be somewhat complicated and quite emotional along the journey. I find myself at this stage in my life dealing with arthritis and aches and pains. I always thought those were reserved for old people! One thing that remains consistant though through it all is God. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. That consistency is reassuring. It gives me the energy to get out of the bed each morning and face a new day. If you don’t have personal relationship with Christ, I beg you to make a change. Read His word. Get to know Him, not the being you want Him to be but who He truly is. It will be a life changing decision.

A Time Such As This

So often these days we hear the sights and sounds of fear. The world seems to be in turmoi with war talk all around the globe. Nations have governments that are unstable. This is much unhappiness with the current administration of this government and fear of what is to come next on both sides. We learn more of friends being diagnosed with cancer and some claim there are strange ailments being diagnosed all around.

God’s Word tells us not to fear. There is nothing happening currently in the world or in ones individual life that our God does not know about or did not know would occur. Indeed everything is going according to His will. We are a wicked people. We bibilically deserve all that is happening. Many in our culture have rejected God and cast Him from their lives. Then they are perplexed as to why things are the way they are. For the believer hold on. You were not born accidentally during this time but are here for a reason. Be a beacon of light and hope to those with no hope. You were born for such a time as this.

The Blessings of a Mom

My mother and I celebrated her birthday yesterday. Her actual birthday is Sunday but our plans were made for yesterday. In reflection I thought about all the times she stood by me from the trips she made with me to enroll in college because I didn’t want to go by myself to the times she picked up the phone in the middle of the night when I called due to strong feelings of depression. She was there for me. She did not judge me in those times. She only supported me because she knew that is what I needed most.

Today a friend we have known a long time will be holding a service in memory of his mother. Her death was not unexpected. She had health issues for many years and was a person who deeply trusted in the eternal salvation of Christ. In fact she was quite ready to go to meet Him. Still a deep sadness for the family in her leaving this world. God has created a wonderful system of a mother and dad to nourish us and teach us His laws. Our sin has corrupted it completely. However if we hold unto that original institution, we find blessings beyond measure. To God is the glory for this treasure, a small part of so much more.

Are You Wise?

This morning I was in the book of Daniel chapter 12 where Daniel speaks of wisdom. Those who recognize the evil in this world look for the return of our savior. They are wise. Those who refuse are foolish. This is somewhat of a theme in scripture. The fool says in his own heart there is no God. That I believe is from the book of Proverbs. How true is it.

We are reminded to look up for our redemption draweth near. Those words should not frighten us but comfort us. The only ones who should be frightened are those who have rejected Christ and because they do not recognize the existence of God, they do not walk in fear of Him. They walk in fear of climate change or the injustices of this world as they perceive it or fearful of all things man that leads to death. For those who trust Christ, death has lost its sting. There is something so much better that lies beyond this world. Trust in the truth of scripture. Meditate on it. Memorize it for when fleshly fear arises and strengthen yourselves for the battle that lies ahead.

Shall Not Be Mocked

Many of us in the Christian community were horrified with the opening ceremony for the Olympics. It reflected the utter contempt for Christ and those who follow Him. It reflected absolutely no regard for God or His Word. It is sad and depressing to witness such a spectacle and worth noting the hypocrisy of those who sponsored it considering their own demand for respect.

We live in a fallen world. Most of us are quite aware of that. We see it in our health status when we battle disease and in the way people openly live in sin with no care for the consequences. Thankfully our hope is not in this world. It does not see us like God does nor does it truly hear our cries. This world is selfish and self absorbing. God hears us and sees our pain. He offered the ultimate gift of His own son. Our hope is not in the world but in the eternity that lays beyond. Cling to that. Place your hope in that.

Being an Overcomer

Many years ago when I was young and in college, I had my first major experience with anxiety. I had panic attacks and I did not understand what they were or what was causing them at the time. I went to a local doctor in Columbus who prescribed valium because that’s what doctors did in that time period. Unfortunately that medication sent me into a major depression. Besides Zach’s cancer and death and my own bought with cancer, this was the toughest season of my life.

I was reminded of that this morning as I made plans to meet with my college roommates in a nearby town for a reunion. They besides my family were the only ones who witnessed how devastating this time period was for me. They worried about my mental health and at the time I did too. Sometimes when I reflect on it, it is embarassing to me. This morning though I reflected on how it too is a part of my testimony. It was only through God’s grace that I survived it and had a 4.0 semester average that year. It was the beginning of my relying on God’s Word and His promises and His character of who He is. What a testimony to have been an overcomer in so many areas only because of the grace and mercy of a loving and faithful God.

Sounds of Summer

Often when I am up early in the morning, I listen to familiar sounds from my childhood. I hear crickets and if I open the back door, I can also hear birds already in flight. As the day wears on, I hear the familiar sound of locusts. I had happy childhood memories. Many of those years were spent at my paternal grandparents home. Is there any place as happy as that of doting grandparents?

Years go by and our lives change drastically from not having a care in the world to feeling like we are carrying all the burdens of the world. What happens to us? I was reading in the book of Daniel this morning where the King makes note that in his distress, he asked a question of Daniel who never seems worried. Daniel had a lot to worry about if he was only living in the flesh. Afterall he was living in captivity. However the king notes that he does not worry. Why? Because he lived in complete trust in God’s will. That is what it looks like. I wish I could write this morning that I have the same trust. I’m afraid I still operate under fleshly concerns. How about you? Scripture makes it clear that true peace lies in the knowledge of God and trusting in all of His ways with all that we have.


Scripture tells us to find joy in all things. Sometimes I think some of us may take this to an extreme. I have a friend who told me years ago that if you have a headache, give praise for that and have joy. Somehow I don’t find myself thinking the same way. I often pray that the headache will cease! However I will confess that for me cancer was not a totally bad thing. The thing about limited time and certain death helped bring me to where I needed to be. I needed to continue to grow to get to know the Lord and be certain in my salvation. I needed to trust in Him in the certainty of my days and where my eternity would be.

We can find grace in all situations. That I am certain of. We don’t have to be joyful over a headache or a cancer diagnosis, but we do need to know where our strength comes from and the certainty that we are not forgotten. We are children of the living God. We were created in His image. He is holy. We are not. He provided a way for us to spend eternity with Him. We can choose to believe Him and seek Christ and trust in Christ or we can choose hell. It’s really that simple. Choose life.