Making Us Stronger

Life is full of challenges. Some of these challenges we enjoy while others we dread and wish had never happened. I still remember the anguish in my son Zach’s voice while he was fighting terminal cancer. He looked at me and said out of frustration, “I just want to go back to normal.” Don’t we all in times like that. It’s at those moments that we appreciate our “boring” lives because that means nothing bad at least is happening.

It is the trying times that help us to grow. That’s often what I think we miss. Many things in this life we have no control over. Zach’s was a rare cancer that he had no control over. Mine I could argue was self imposed with poor eating habits. I was much older. I lived a life on sugar and still battle it to this day. We are all aware of cancers that are tied in to smoking, alcohol, etc. Still a lot of what comes our way, we never saw coming and felt helpless against. To be an overcomer is to face those challenges with the attitude that we can do all things through Christ. Absolutely true. We can face what we must face and do what we must do. What a joy to have such a strength because of the presence and mercy of the Holy Spirit.


I did not post this past Monday. No the eclipse did not knock out my computer though there were those who believed things like that would happen. I and my husband and my sister and her husband were visiting my mom and stepfather. We all had a really good time and afterwards I reflected again on the importance of family. As a mother, it is easy to love my children. As a grandmother, it is even easier to love the little ones. However I was also profoundly aware of how much my siblings, my sister in particular, means to me and adds to my life and of course my mom.

Family is a gift from God. Their are the cement that grounds us when life shakes around us. They encourage us and they often stand with us. They are often used mightily I believe by God to remind us that we are not alone in whatever we are experiencing or going through.

Take a look at your own family. Think of all the ways they have supported you in whatever you are walking through. Some of you may be like me where you have faced the death of a child and a harsh cancer diagnosis. That is a lot to go through. Prayfully you have had a family like I have who has stood strong with you. Remember that such a structure is a gift from God. Embrace them and love them and mostly be grateful for each and every one of them.

Realizing Our Limitations

One of the things that has really come home to me as I have grown older is that I am super sensitive to caffeine. If I drink too much, even in the early morning time and cease for the remainder of the day, I cannot sleep that night. When I drastically limit how much caffeine I take in, it is amazing how much easier I can fall asleep. My sister pointed out to me in a conversation yesterday how our paternal grandmother was the very same way and our dad to a large degree.

As we age we also become more sensitive in thinking about eternity. As for me and my house, we have already settled that matter and choose to believe the bible is the true and living Word of God. We have chosen to follow and to the best of our abilities, submit to Christ and be obedient to God. That is not an easy thing to do as the flesh wants to rebel in so many areas. I would encourage all of you to choose God first. Submit to His authority. Love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. He is the way, the truth and the light.

I will not be posting on Monday as I will be traveling to a better location to see the eclipse. Blessings to all of you and keep being courageous and trusting in our Lord!


Who has not heard that a rare event called a solar eclipse is occuring next Monday? I doubt too many. Scientists record that the next complete eclipse will not be visible for the next 20 years. Many people are making travel plans to go to states where it will be more visible. Schools have even been encouraged to not meet because of the possibility of problems when the eclipse itself occurs. In reality who knows what will happen. Already in Texas rain is in the forecast for Sunday through Wednesday. Rain means clouds. Clouds mean no visual of the event. I will add that I am amazed by the number of people who profess to follow the Bible who see this as a “sign” of Jesus returning.

If you believe the Bible to be 100% true, you already know that Jesus will return without the need for a sign. You also know that Jesus himself recorded that no one knows when He will return, only the Father. It seems silly to me for humans to continue to speculate on this. We are told to be ready at all times. If you received an advanced cancer diagnosis like I did going on 9 years ago, you realize that death can come at any time. The most important decision any of us can make in this world is to surrender to Christ and trust Him in all things.

Praise God each day. Walk with Him. Trust Him with your health. Be courageous!

Automated systems

This morning I attempted to refill a presciption using the automated system since the pharmacy is currently closed. There was a time that that was much simplier, one just typed in the correct numbers. No longer is that application available. Now it is an automated voice that has a hearing problem. If you think I’m being overdramatic, I’m not. The automated voice even told me it was having a difficult time hearing me this morning. What will come from AI next?

Blessedly when we are in a relationship with God, if we approach with a repentant heart and are earnestly seeking His guidance, He does hear us. Sometimes I think a lot of people do not understand fully who God is or how holy He is. I fell into that category and may slip back into it if I am not mindful of my thoughts and words. God is holy. He is gracious. He is real. He is on the throne. All facts for you to wrap your mind around. If you are battling something major like cancer as I have, approach His throne. Ask Him for mercy. Ask Him to restore you to what you were before the cancer. Bring all your cares to Him as scripture records because He cares for you.

Remembering Christ Daily

When I was a girl, I can remember thinking that Easter was my favorite holiday. I really don’t know why I felt that way. One would think Christmas would be every child’s favorite. After all, one gets presents, candy etc. There was always something about Easter even though I did not fully undestand who Jesus was and what He did for you and me.

As an adult, I still believe Easter is my favorite holiday although now I have a better idea why I feel that way. The resurrection of Christ is what separates Christianity from all other “religioins”. If Jesus had not rose from the dead, then Christianity would mean nothing. Scripture tells us something completely different. On this day in the Christian faith, we celebrate all that Christ gave for each of us. His pure act of love is what saves us if we trust and believe this to be true from an eternity in hell. That’s quite a gift that no kind of gift in this world can ever match.

Yesterday as I was moving the huge backyard trampoline so I could mow in that spot, I reflected on where I am today and where I was in June of 2015. I thought about the restoration that the Lord allowed me to have to have more time in this world. That gift still amazes me to do this day. Only God could be so generous and so kind. This Easter season it is my prayer that each of you will reflect on this gift. Trust in Christ. Trust God’s Word and His character. He is who He says He is. Trust Him with your life and your hope.


Yesterday I was blessed to have my two youngest granddaughters keep me company for the day. Each belongs to a different son and they are polar opposites in so many things. One loves digging in the dirt, the other will not touch it. One loves going outside regardless of the chill that is in the air, the other prefers to stay in. One loves to run and chase and the other prefers to sit and chill. It makes me smile just thinking about how different their personalities are. I love them both greatly. Many of you can relate to this same scenario no doubt and probably with your own children.

One of the things I am especially grateful for is that I have the energy to keep up with toddlers. There was a time in my life that I did not think I would experience the above type of joy. When I was diagnosed going on 9 years ago, I had one granddaughter. I realized that she might be the only grandchild I would ever get to know on this side. Since that time she has been joined by 6 more. Through it all because of God’s grace and mercy, I have been able to run with them, jump on a trampoline with them and push them in a swing. What a blessing to me!

If you are going through something really tough physically, hold on. This is just one episode of your life. Joy is coming. Your new normal will emerge again. Through Christ all things are restored one way or another.

Holy Week

Blessings all as we enter into what a lot of churches across America term as Holy week. In our walk with Christ, we recognize the day that Christ gave Himself for our sins. Salvation is not a difficult concept but must be a difficult decision to commit to as so many choose not to. We know this to be true based on the words in the book of Matthew that reminds us narrow is the gate and few find it that leads to salvation and broad is the path to destruction. The question for me is always why is it so hard? Scripture records that salvation comes when we trust and believe and know that Jesus was the son of the living God, that He died for our sins and all we have to do is believe that. Simply put it is faith alone, through grace alone in Christ alone. Yet it is so hard because we know that if we choose to believe and commit to Christ, we need to have a repentant heart and slowly through sancification, become more Christ like. We need to give up sins that we have enjoyed in the flesh.

One thing we need to wrap our minds around is that each of us is going to die. Scripture records that it is appointed unto every man to die once. That is why it is so important to trust Christ before our last breath in this world. We often try so hard to cling to this life which is understandable in many ways. It is the only life we have ever known. But it is also important to remember what I started this second paragraph with. Regardless of what you are facing, trust in Christ with your life. Give it to Him today. Remind yourself that there is something so much better still to come.

Friday Praises!

Where do I begin? It has been a great week. We received much needed rain in our area with no hail. This time of year is so entertaining weather wise. One never knows what one will get with a spring thunderstorm! The flowers are beautiful everywhere and they definitely appreciate all the rain.

Life is like that. We often have unexpected thunderstorms in our lives. We worry during those times of storms if something worse will develop. The result once we survive the storms can be beautiful. Our faith if we have it grows. We begin to see and appreciate God’s beautiful world that He created and we can continue to enjoy. I remember thinking that when the Lord added years to my life after the June of 2015 diagnosis. The flowers or joy of this world are something to behold. Think of what is so much better that is to come once our journey on this side ends. That is why that decision is the most important you and I will ever make. Do we believe Jesus is God’s son? Do we believe He died for our sins on the cross at Calvary? Do we trust Him enough to submit to His authority in our lives and grow in that knowledge? Think on this if you haven’t as we prepare for Good Friday a week from today. Praise God this day and each day as all our blessings flow from Him.

Glory to God

Spring is here! We all feel the itch. It’s time to plant trees, gardens and take the time to listen to the birds as they sing in the mornings. It’s also that time of year when the atmosphere becomes unstable. For those of us living in Texas, major storms that can produce tornadoes and hail is much more common. A small town similar to the one I live in very close in proximity, experienced baseball size hail and about a foot of it this past weekend. Spring for us often brings a lot of good weather but also the bad.

The above also describes life overall. We will have seasons when life feels almost boring. Days are the same. Nothing changes except weather patterns. Then that major storm hits and our entire world feels turned upside down. Glorifying God is the only thing I have found that is the anchor during those storms of life. Giving Him the glory and trusting in His sovereignity. It is so important that we don’t hold onto this life above what God offers. He is so much more important. The best way to defeat death and fear is to trust in the character of God as described in His holy book. Know Him through His Word. Trust Him in all things. Give Him the glory in all things.