Especially During the Hard Times

Our lesson this past Sunday in bible study was appropriately on gratefulness. Most of us understand the concept. Intuitively we know that we should be grateful for all that we have. Even those of a secular mind have been raised to be grateful for the food on your plate. How many of us were told of the starving children in Africa? It is hard sometimes to express gratitude in the middle of our pain.

Recently we were told of a middle aged woman diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. As we visited with her husband, we could see the struggle in him to express gratitude because of the pain. I recently wrote of passing out and cracking a rib. Yesterday I managed to re injure it and I feel like I am back to square one on recovery. These are examples of actual mental and physical pain that can impede our natural inclination to be grateful. However scripture tells us to be grateful in all circumstances. We are also warned that there will be pain in this world. That relief does not come until our time here is done and only if we trust Jesus is who He says He is and humbly submit ourselves to His authority. The greatest point of thankfulness is the knowledge and saving grace of Christ. It is a common cliche but it is also a very true statement. If you don’t know Christ, get to know Him. Read His word. He’s speaking to you through it. Read. Grow. Trust. Always be grateful for all He has done that we may spend eternity with Him.

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