
I’m not sure about any of you, but I find as I get older that many things frustrate me. Technology not working really frustrates me. That is particularly sad to me considering that I grew up without it and could rely on myself for anything. Now I am just about as bad as any young person who constantly has their nose in their phone. I worry that I am turning into the female version of the grumpy old man logo that is often read on mats outside of a front door.

Frustration is part of the human condition. It is nice to know in my mind that one day that particular trait will no longer be a defining measure of one aspect of who I am. One day I will take my last breath on this side and my next in the presence of my savior. That is such a beautiful thought. In His presence there is no sin or fallen human condition. There are no tears, no pain, no suffering for all things have passed away. If you find yourself this day facing some negative aspect of the human condition, hold on. Look to the one true God, the One that created you. Trust Him in all things. Repent of sins in your life and trust Him with your eternal salvation. He has been my rock, my fortress and my sustainer. I pray that He will be the same for yo

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