Spring is here! We all feel the itch. It’s time to plant trees, gardens and take the time to listen to the birds as they sing in the mornings. It’s also that time of year when the atmosphere becomes unstable. For those of us living in Texas, major storms that can produce tornadoes and hail is much more common. A small town similar to the one I live in very close in proximity, experienced baseball size hail and about a foot of it this past weekend. Spring for us often brings a lot of good weather but also the bad.
The above also describes life overall. We will have seasons when life feels almost boring. Days are the same. Nothing changes except weather patterns. Then that major storm hits and our entire world feels turned upside down. Glorifying God is the only thing I have found that is the anchor during those storms of life. Giving Him the glory and trusting in His sovereignity. It is so important that we don’t hold onto this life above what God offers. He is so much more important. The best way to defeat death and fear is to trust in the character of God as described in His holy book. Know Him through His Word. Trust Him in all things. Give Him the glory in all things.