We hear a lot about God’s will. For many of us that can be a confusing concept. Television preachers tell us that God only wants good for us and that He wants to prosper us. We look around and at our own situations and think maybe it’s how prosperity is defined. We are after all sinful at nature and expect often more than we receive and typically judge ourselves to be better than the next guy.
That is how I often think we get into wrong think regarding God’s will. We think the right will is to be ours and that is not how it works. God is holy. We are not. God does not sin. We do. We cannot relate to His righteousness which is why we are supposed to always strive in that direction. All of this process is what helps us cope when things don’t go the way we had hoped. Things like the mundane from losing the job we loved to not paying the mortgage and losing our homes to the most painful of losing a loved one. Since God is in control, He does allow even the most painful things in our lives to occur. He is still on the throne. He is still worthy of our love and desire to grow in knowledge.
Recently I asked you to pray for two individuals. My sister in law is doing great recovering from her knee surgery. What seemed really dire is healing great. Praise God! My friend who has a sister battling cancer and had a tumor removed from her brain, not so well. More cancer lesions were discovered in other parts of her body. Clearly current medication is not working in her situation which is common for many cancers. God is in control in both situations. One appears to go on to enjoy many more days in this world and the other seems to have shorter time. All still God’s will. He is loving. He is kind. He is merciful and He is still on the throne. Life requires us to be courageous. Consider each day a gift and each moment a blessing.
FYI – I am now going to post on this blog on M,W,F only. God’s blessings to each of you