
This weekend my husband showed me a story of a man who went to the doctor complaining that his nose or the inside would not stop bleeding. Peering inside the ENT spechialist was able to determine why. There were 150 bugs moving and eating inside the lining of his nose! Can you imagine! The doctor was able to remove all of them and there was posted a live video of what that looked like. Yuk! The patient was not sure how they got there. I found myself for the remainder of the weekend rubbing my nose and wondering each time if something was moving inside that shouldn’t be. Such is the power of suggestion.

The above true story did have a happy ending though I feel the journey getting there was tough. A continuous bleeding and aching nose could not have been fun. Sometimes the journey we walk is a tough one with many ups and downs. We look for resolution to end it and that journey can be a lot longer than the above scenario described. I know because I walked it. If you are walking that type of road currently keep going. It is tough but a resolution is coming. Keep trusting and keep believing that God is who He said He is. However your journey ends, you can not go wrong if you trust and believe the God of the bible and His son with your eternity.

Thank you also to all of you who prayed for my sister in law and her knee surgery. All went spectacular and she is back at every day living.

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