What is fear?

Franklin D Roosevelt, the only four term elected President, made the concept of fear quite famous with the line “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” If you have lived well into midlife as I have, you have grown to understand that there is quite a bit in this world to fear. My name is Sheri Peters. I live in a small southern town in Texas. Over 12 years ago, I really got to know and understand the concept of fear when my youngest son, Zachariah, was diagnosed at the age of 16 with stage 4 Ewings’ sarcoma. Going through cancer is like a rollercoaster. Going through it with one of your children is an even tougher ride. Zach fought hard for one year. He endured the amputation of his left leg and part of his left hip. He endured six different chemotherapy mixtures and all the emotional ups and downs that goes with such a tough battle. At the end of that following year however at the age of 17, the Lord made His decision and Zach’s healing took place in His presence. Three years later, in 2015, I too would face a stage 4 cancer diagnosis and told I had 18 months to live if everything MD Anderson had to fight the disease worked. As you can perceive from the fact that I am writing this blog, you realize that I have lived much longer than 18 months. My testimony is astounding and miraculous and reflects the grace and kindness of God. Two close family members, two devastating cancer diagnosis and two totally different outcomes. Yet the same loving and powerful God was with both of us through all of it. This blog will focus on my experience both as the caregiver and parent who had to let go of a child way too young and as someone who has experienced the same kind of devastating news and my remaining family had to endure with me. Join me as I reflect on the past and how I witnessed God working in the midst of the struggle and pain. It is my hope that as you read these posts, you will feel encouraged by God’s grace even during the hardest and most painful of times and that you will learn that through Christ, you too are an overcomer. Lord make each of us courageous to face what we must face and do what we must do.

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