Two days down, two days to go. That’s what I use to think on a Wednesday morning as I headed into the public school system building. How many of you can relate? My former life as a public school teacher seems like a lifetime ago. So much has changed since I retired in 2015 due to a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. Like many people, I did not realize how much I would miss “normal” until “normal” was no longer my life.
For each stage that we walk through, God has a plan. It may not feel like it at the time. Our lives can change in a heartbeat as many of you know. Suddenly the mundane that we experienced before we wish we had back. However do not fear. In all things you walk through and each experience God has a plan. He can use you regardless of your circumstances. Embrace those changes whether it is aging related and you cannot do what you use to do or health issues or changes in your personal life due to divorce. God can use your circumstances and you are the same valuable person who has much to offer.
Be encouraged this day. Whatever you are experiencing you are not alone. His rod and His staff they comfort you. Your life has a purpose. You have meaning. You are valuable to the kingdom of God. Choose to love Him and serve Him. It is the most important decision you will ever make.