When I was a child, I remember the weather patterns of March. I would start the day in a jacket or sweater because it was too cold to leave the house without one. By the time I got home from school, I wished I hadn’t taken a sweater because now it was just something extra to bring home in the heat. Sound familiar? Weather in Texas is always an interesting phenomena and that hasn’t changed.
These up and down weather patterns often result in sinus issues as the trees get confused too and pollen is literally everywhere. Many are sick right now in our community with strep and different viruses, some visuses known and others still a mystery. Tomorrow our church is sponsoring an annual event we do for those with cancer diagnosis in our community. If you have a moment, please pray that most of our invited guests will be available to attend. One who has an advanced cancer and will be on chemo treatments for the rest of her life is already not able to come due to the above illnesss. Treatments weaken the immune system making each of us who go through it more susseptible to viruses or bacterial infections.
As I have written many times, this life is not for the faint of heart. We are called to be strong and coureagous. We are admonised not to fear. We are reminded that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Praise the Lord for the strength for this day!!