Memorial Day. A day designated to honor fallen soldiers who kept our freedoms for generations to come. I understand the military aspect of this special holiday in a personal way as do thousands of others. My 18 year old nephew was killed in Iraq in 2005 in June. His body was laid to rest on what would have been his 19th birthday. In addition to the memory of Christopher, Memorial Day touches me because of the memories stirred up from Zach.
On Memorial Day of 2011, we frantically took Zach to the ER at MD Anderson because he couldn’t breath. His cancer diagnosis had already been confirmed by this point. He crashed during this visit and spent a week at Hermann Hospital before being transferred back to MDA. They began chemo treatments at Hermann and he slowly came back to us. Our last Memorial Day spent with him was a year later in 2012. We did not completely realize it at the time but at this point we were just a couple of days out before we would see him no more on this side of eternity.
I cannot stress enough the importance of salvation and trusting in the gift that each of us has the opportunity to unwrap in Christ. God has offered us a way out though we are undeserving and He is holy and merciful. Take His gift. Submit to God. Trust Christ. Repent if you are living in a way that is displeasing to God and understand that there is something so much better still to come!