
This past weekend my dryer stopped heating. My husband told me to pick up a new one on Monday. Unfortunately for him, the one I wanted was a Speed Queen so it would match my washer. Speed Queen’s are quite expensive. Not happy with the decision I made because of the expense, my husband proclaimed that if it lasted 20 years it would probably outlast both of us! When I thought of that, I realized how true that might very well be considering our current ages now and my own cancer diagnosis from 9 years ago.

Scripture records that this life is a mist, a vapor. Most of us have heard this in one form or another and never really gave it much thought. It is true. My life seems to have flown by. In reflection, I wonder often how much have I done for the kingdom of God? How much of my life has reflected His glory both private and in public? Those are really sobbering questions for me. I think of how much He has done for me. What have I done for Him? So often we are so caught up in the cares of this world that we forget of the glory of the world to come. We miss what we were ever created for. Please do not do that. Meditate on God and His goodness, His character and who He says He is. Choose to serve Him regardless of your circumstances. Choose to love and trust Him in all things. Choose to proclaim that good news to everyone you know.

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