I had a wonderful four days. We saw so many things that neither my husband, my daughter nor myself had seen before and we never left the state. Granted Texas is a big state and one could spend a lot of time in West Texas. Along with new sites to view was also good food. Lots of it. The high carb stuff. The stuff we are told to avoid when battling cancer but it is oh so good. A return to reality of how good it was arrived this morning with my first step on the morning scale. Ugh. I gained 5 pounds over 4 days. That’s pretty impressive in a sad way. The battle over weight gain begins again.
One of the hardest things to recognize in ourselves is the things we create as idols in our lives. This is not good. God calls it sin. Anything that is above Him is sin. A number on a scale can completely take over our lives or more specifically mine. If I continue to allow it to dominate my brain, it controls my happiness level as well as how sad I will be for the day. This is the danger of man created idols. They do not give a realistic view of who we are and they separate us from our Creator who is and should be the most important person in our lives.
This life is meant for us to be courageous. We need to stand up against idols formed in our minds by rejecting them, repenting of them and bringing them before the throne of a Holy and righteous God. True freedom lies in that.