What would you say is the greatest gift? Would you tell me your spouse? Your children? Your grandchildren ( I will admit that I am partial to this last one). Your health? A long life or a combination of the last two? It is always fascinating to me how much we focus on the things of this world or this life. Recently someone my husband and I know was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This person was a church goer their entire life and they have been blessed with a pretty long life. Their response was surprising to me as they could not understand how such a diagnosis could happen to them. They felt like they had served faithfully and yet they received this diagnosis.
The above I think is what happens when we focus too much on this world and not enough on our heavenly destination. Perhaps we do not really believe all that the Bible has written. Perhaps we are not actually at the narrow gate but are on the broad path. The attitude above should give us pause to rethink what we actually believe. Paul wrote that to live is much but to die is gain. That does not sound like someone clinging to this world but someone who firmly understands the joy and peace of being in the Lord’s presence. If you live in fear of death, the only true remedy is to trust what the scripture records. Do not deviate. Believe, trust and cling to the Lord with both hands. He is loving and kind and there truly is something so much better than this world to come.