The Importance of Praise

It is so easy to get up in this time of year. Our minds go to the foods we need to prepare, the parties we are expected to attend, cleaning we must do if we are hosting one of those parties and of course all of the present buying.

Scripture reminds us multiple times of the importance to thank God for what we have and to praise His name. He is the creator. He is the great I Am. There is none like Him in all of the earth. All of these things are true. If we truly believe this, praising His name should be easy. Consider all He has done as you rise each day, as you face the morning and all the challenges it may bring. Praise Him in sickness. Praise Him in good health. Praise Him in mourning. Praise Him in joy. Praise Him in all things. This life is a vapor. It is the next life where true living actually begins.

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