Yesterday was very busy for me. I was out doing yard work which involved mowing and weed eating. After the storm from this past Saturday, there were tree limbs of various sizes on the ground. I had to dispose of those as well. Once I was in the house for the later afternoon, I decided to clean carpets in two bedrooms. I did have several grandchildren this past weekend:)
The above may seem like menial tasks but let me tell you this. There was a time when I could not do these things. After my cancer diagnosis, I was placed on two very hard chemo drugs. One was called doxirubicin which is nicknamed the red devil. I had to have a heart protection drug before I received it through IV. The other chemo drug required a brain protection medication before I received it. My hemoglobin dropped, my platelets dropped and my white cell count is still to this day not in the normal range. To be abnormal is my new normal. When ones hemoglobin drops, dizziness and tiredness becomes reality. This made it challenging to do normal routines. And yet here I am today able to do all of these things. I am still alive despite what statistics showed for this disease and I am able to do all the physical things I did prior to my treatment.
As you can imagine I am grateful for the menial tasks because of the experience of not being able to do them for a season. God is merciful and kind and He has restored me. I am grateful for that. If you are facing cancer treatments and have similar symptoms to what I experienced, hang on. Face them with courage. Know that it is for a season and restoration may be on the horizon. Trust in God in His timing and give Him the glory for each moment and each day. Remember that in this life we are called to trust God and be courageous!