Scans come around for me every 4 months. My abdomen graduated many years ago but my lungs experienced two tumors regrowing, one in 2019 and the other in 2021. That is not unusual for the type of cancer I have. Both tumors were surgicially removed in their respective years. Today is that day for the next scan. One of the most difficult aspects of a scan for me besides the starvation period prior is the color contrast dye. Today it is required and I am allergic to it. I have to take steriods and around the clock Benadryl. I confess to all reading this blog that it is no fun.
Often we have to go through things we wish we didn’t, even simple things like a CT scan with color contrast. I suppose that is what keeps life from being boring although I have come to understand the blessings of “boring.” Thank you for your prayers for me. I never take these things for granted. Lord make each of us courageous as we go and do what we have to do.