Seven years ago Texas experienced a very powerful hurricane named Harvey. I live 70 miles west of Houston so hurricanes are not unusual for me to experience. What was unusual about Harvey that stays in my mind is that there was another kind of storm going on in our family at the same time. My dad had been sick for a little over a year from a very rare blood cancer. It was a form between leukemia and lymphoma. 99 cases out of the entire country are diagnosed yearly and he was one. That is a very rare cancer. His final days on this side of eternity would be lived during the height of that storm. He died on August 27. Flood waters had prevented hospice getting to us and my sister and my mother and myself navigated through those final days without them. We administered drugs we thought would help during the day and were on our knees in the evening pleading for our Lord to take him home to end his suffering. In His mercy He did.
Whatever storms we are experiencing if we truly trust God with all things, He will give us the strength to see them through. We were never promised an easy time. None of us were guaranteed a long life though my dad had one. None of us were promised perfect health if we just believe. What we are promised is that we will not be alone and we will be strengthed to face what we must face and do what we must do. All that we do is to glorify the Lord. It is not about us but about Him! Praise God and thank Him for the strength He has given you this day.