Yesterday I found myself reflecting on the year 2011. That was the year Zach was diagnosed with stage 4 Ewings’ Sarcoma. The song “What Faith Can Do” was released that same year. Something in that song struck a chord within me. I desperately needed to hold onto God for the ride. We had entered unchartered waters. We had family diagnosed with cancer but not a family member so close in our hearts and with such a terrible diagnosis. There were many times I would jump on my outside trampoline to relieve stress and the lyrics of that song would go through my mind over and over.
In reflection as I enter this time of year, I think about Zach more and that painful yet in many ways blessful of a year. It was in May that we discovered Zach’s diagnosis and it would be in May the following year that we would have to let go. Zach’s 17 years is a reminder to all of us the fragility of this life. It is also a reminder of what is truly important. I can think of nothing else more urgent then for each person who has not submitted to Christ to do so. To live each day to His glory. To choose Him above self. To literally die to self and choose life in Christ.