Yesterday I had a conversation with my second cousin named Charlotte. Charlotte is exactly one month older than I am. A few months back, she was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. It had started on an area on her shoulder and like a lot of us, she did not know what it was and tried treating it herself. She began to have signs of a stroke and that is when the medical team discovered that she had cancer because the CT scan revealed she had 5 lesions in her brain, some in her lungs, in her live and also in her throat. She began immunotherapy treatment and she told me yesterday that the number of lesions in her brain are now 2 and the ones that were in her live are gone.
The above is a wonderful report! She was most grateful to the Lord for His provision. She always has such a fantastic attitude and looks for each day to become stronger and heal more. We are blessed by God in so many ways. His Word comforts us. It strengthens us. It reveals who God is and what He gave for each of us. It also reveals what will happen to those who choose to reject His mercy and be little gods of their own. Please do not fall in the later category. Understand that God is real whether you desire to believe that or not. Embrace His grace. Run to Him. Trust Him in all things. Be courageous for the Lord.